
Experience and Ratings

Emory University

Teaching Associate (with Kristy Towry) - Evening and Executive MBA

Teaching Assistant (with Kristy Towry) - Evening and Executive MBA

Brigham Young University

Instructor (solo) - Undergraduate

Teaching Case

Dooley College Health System: Using Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing in Healthcare

Solo authored.

Brief Synopsis: Michelle Thomas serves as the director of the Dooley College Health System Outpatient Surgical Center (DCHS OSC). Michelle has been under pressure from DCHS leadership to improve the financial position of the center, which has consistently failed to meet its performance targets over the last three years. Unfortunately, the OSC cannot increase charge rates for existing procedures. The large portion of procedures covered by Medicare and Medicaid are reimbursed at a fixed rate, and DCHS has already leveraged its market power to aggressively negotiate rates with large private insurers. Therefore, Michelle is focusing her attention on cost-cutting options to improve the center’s financial health. Specifically, because resources at the center are scarce, she is interested in identifying cost-inefficient procedures that the OSC could refer to other providers.

Teaching Samples

Lecture:   Activity-Based Costing (June 6, 2023)

 ACT 513 - Management Accounting

 Evening & Executive MBA Program

 Goizueta Business School

 Emory University

Vodcast:   Excess Capacity (June 1, 2023)

  ACT 513 - Management Accounting

  Evening & Executive MBA Program

  Goizueta Business School

  Emory University